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Creator and Victim mindset


Going through life people could have different views when they are confronted by hardships in their life. Two of these mindsets are the Victim, people who do not believe they control the outcome of their lives, and the Creator, people who make choices for desirable outcomes they want to achieve (Mirman). There have been many points in my life where I have played the role as a Victim before in my high school. As a victim I saw I was not responsible and a procrastinator I have seen many different Creators in my life including my cousin, Lauren. I have seen for my own eyes how to become more like a Creator to achieve my goals.

There are two different mindsets people can have going through life in according to the article that David Mirmam has wrote, “do you think like a victim or a creator?” One of them is a victim mindset, which hinders people from going forward, and the other is that of a creator mindset, which, projects people towards their goal. In his article Mirman describes two students, and each of them needed to get the textbook for a class. One never got the book because the bookstore did not have it when he went there. The other, on the other hand took initiative, called multiple bookstores could not find it, finally found it, and bought the book online. The mindset of a victim shifts blame to others and gets focused on other things except the problem at hand; however, the Creator mindset achieves their end goal and keeps going even when they run into obstacles.  The Creators often solve many of their problems and figure out how to do things to get the end result. The Victim is nothing like this everything has to be perfect with them to get what they need done and when confronted with difficultly they give up (Mirmam).

One time, when I was in the Victim role it was in high school. I had biology with Mrs. Crawford, and she rarely talked about what was due when but always put it on the board. She had assigned us many homework assignments, but they were due together near the end of the month. Since she never reminded us in class I never got the chance to finish them, or do them for that matter. At the end of the month when she asked for it I was surprised with homework assignments I did not know we needed to do. She told me that I should be more responsible and pay more attention because she was not going to remind me of anything. I blamed the teacher for not reminding us about it. She gave me two days to complete the assignments, but I had lost most of them and did not know what I was supposed to do either. I should have gotten the work from someone else and asked for help on what I did not know how to do.  I was my own oppressor. I knew I needed to get it done but came up with various excuses to play the Victim’s role.

My cousin Lauren is my Creator in my life. She has shown me many times the hardest things in life can be achieved. Lauren played trombone in the marching band in high school and later went on to Youngstown State University on a music scholarship and then transferred to Eastman School of music. In her early years she had a lot of trouble in her personal life. Her parents had gotten a divorce and her mom had remarried. She still did great in school and did well in marching band even with these distractions in her life. She got three scholarships to go to school and even taught kids different instruments on the side to make money. Later the high school asked her to come teach at there summer camp and she accepted. With all these job opportunities, during her first two years of college she was making money instead of going into debt. She originally really wanted to go to Eastman School of Music but did not have enough money to go. She had the creator mindset though and made a way to get to her goals. She then decided to apply for a few different scholarships they provided. She then won enough scholarships to get seventy percent off her tuition, but that was not enough, so she asked for eighty percent and they agreed to it. She then moved in with my grandparents to save even more money. She also has produced a compact disc of her jazz music with her boyfriend and is becoming quite successful.

As a victim I saw I was not responsible and a procrastinator. So going into college I knew I had to do my work as soon as I could so I would not forget or not do it. I will to get a three point five grade point average in all of my college classes for the first semester. After a couple of weeks I started to work out my schedule so I can determine when I can and will get homework done. My classes on Monday end at four and my next day five so I know to do my things on Monday so I have a less stressful Tuesday. Then on Tuesday I have an hour and forty-five minutes between classes so I take that time to work on homework and other school related things. Wednesday I have class till about two but I start my homework that day. Thursday I get out at twelve so I have some time to study with friends. My classes have been reflecting the work I put into them. In chemistry I am doing pretty well I have a ninety-four in lab and an eighty-five in lecture. My history grade is an eighty-eight but he still has not put in all the grades yet. Overall I have been doing really well and will keep it up.


Work Cited

Mirmam, David. "Do You Think like a Victim or a Creator?" You Are The Prime Mover. 2 Jan. 2012. Web. 13 Sept. 2015. <>.


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