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Henry Ford had a very interesting life. When he was young he received a pocket watch. He then took the watch apart and put it back together. Others saw this and started asking him to fix time pieces of there's. This started on Henry on becoming an engineer. He later worked in one of Edison's lighting company where he first became obsessed with gasoline engines to power automobiles. Henry ford said, "Whether you think you can or you think you can't either way you're right." There are some examples in his life where this applied. He first started to try to produce his own automobiles but was so meticulous with all the details the stock holders withdrew there support because henry took to long. Henry then got a second chance and this time rushed his job to make the automobiles and failed because of it. Henry learned from these failures and knew he needed to change the way the system worked to win. He then started his company and wins. This shows that the attitude is a part of doing good in life. In my life this has been a very true fact for me. When I played soccer, for my school it was hard to have a good attitude when facing the number one team. I would be defeated before it even started. When I had a better attitude before the game I would play much better and help the team out in big ways and even win us the game sometimes. This shows how attitude in your life affects the results you get in life. 

Work Cited 

"Be Like Henry Ford: Apprentice Yourself In Failure." Fast Company. N.p., 08 Nov. 2012. Web. 10 Nov. 2015. <>.

Attitudes Determine Success 


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